Wednesday, February 11, 2015

       Guidelines for primary school teachers for integration of ICT in their lessons

1. Do not be afraid
Computers might look difficult, but anyone can learn to master them. And any teacher can find ways to use ICT in the classroom, as long as they make sure they can cope with it.
2. Make a simple start
Start with very simple ICT-projects in your class. Only projects where you can solve the problems will be a success. Later on, with more experience, you projects can become more complex.
3. Make combinations
ICT-projects are not necessarily extra lessons in your curriculum. Think about making combinations with your normal lessons. This will give you better control of the project, and thus it will increase the chance for succes. Furthermore, you have a back-up plan. It might also save you time.
4. Focus on didactics, not technics
Make sure that the use of ICT serves a didactical goal. Computers must not be used in the classroom because they are computers. They are used to improve the learning process. A teacher should focus on the didactical aspects of it.
5. Role of the teacher changes
Be aware of the changing role of the teacher. This role shifts from an instructor to other roles like mentor, coach, guide and motivator.
6. You are a learner too
A teacher is a learner too. Everyday, he will find new information as well. Especially when computers and Internet is involved. Don’t be afrain to admit to your pupils that you too have too learn

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